Persistence Programming

Persistence Programming, as defined by the article author, Cobbs, is where data are store in a persistent manner where it can be read by any form of software even if they are written in a completely different programming language than what the data was input or output. Cobbs gave an example: we can be certain one is doing persistence programming when they create an XML document and send it over the network, at where the receiver will open and read from it.

He pointed out the limitation of the current programming languages as they provide limited support for persistence programming such as serialisation of basic data types. Programmers themselves are often required to build their own component and/or library to support persistence programming. The author claimed that this has resulted in the creation of databases and their subsidiaries such as SQL and the libraries that allow programs to send SQL queries over a network and for data retrieval. Then the programmers are expected to put up a bridge between the programming language world and the practical world of SQL tables, query design, performance, transactions, and network failures, ending up having the programmer to succumb to the demands and requirements of the database technology.

The author reviewed the functionalities of a database and its practicalities: store data values into raw bits which can be read by both programming languages and database, key-value mapping, efficient key sorting for iteration and querying, efficient key lookup with hash tables (unsorted data) or balanced trees (for sorted data) and allow concurrent access# (which emphasises heavily on data atomicity, isolation, consistency and durability).

By pointing out the shortcomings of JPA (Java Persistence API, later renamed to Jakarta Persistence), the current popular library for persistence programming in Java, Cobbs identified several characteristics for a genuine persistence programming language should look like.

Firstly, there should be a universal encoding for the basic types such as primitive, wrapper, array type, and the common types such as String and Date. In this way, there will be no compatibility issue unlike the current state of JPA where some Java basic types doesn’t match their respective SQL types. For example, DATETIME in SQL is not the same as java.util.Date, and NaN floating point values are usually unsupported in SQL.

Now going down further to the limitation of JPA of utilising Java classes and interfaces. Since JPA has to map Java class hierarchies onto rectangular tables in SQL, unused columns or extra joins are possible. Additionally, JPA is partly incompatible with Java generics as its properties must be concrete due to its limited inheritance from interfaces. A proper persistence programming language should be able to maximise the efficiency of class hierarchies and full compatibility with interface inheritance and generics.

Furthermore, a precise, synchronous notifications for both object life cycle and individual property change events should be implemented. This will result in a more elegant way to detect non-local changes within objects via references. For instance, when a colour property in any child tree node changes, it should notify its parent node immediately. Such notifications should be done in a per-property manner instead of just per-entity manner which is what the current JPA implementation of the notification handling.

Instead of relying on internal balanced trees for indexing, Cobbs argued that it is possible to derive an index using any combination of a secondary data structure from primary data. And when there are changes in the primary data, notifications should be generated from it and updates the secondary data structure respectively. This could be especially helpful if the frequent query or access values are derives from the primary data and/or hard or impossible to index as a simple query in SQL. Those values could be updated whenever there is a newly inserted primary data, and be stored onto a secondary data structure where the programmer could later retrieve the value from there. From here we could see why it is necessary to implement a synchronous notification system for property change events.

Enforcing efficient validation, that is maintenance and verification of required invariants or validation constraints, is an essential part of a persistence programming language. In order to do so, it needs to have code that can verify the constraint and firing notification when a re-checked is necessary for the constraint as a result of a change in the associated data. Cobbs proposed a verification check mechanism that should be deferred until the transaction commit time unless specified earlier unlike those implemented in JPA and Java where phantom foreign-key violations could be triggered and the checks happened before the invariants have been re-established. Programmers should be able to manually assigned which field should be checked when changes happened.

As the programming language designed around persistence programming, it improves the transparency of a query, so one could spot its efficiency rather quickly in programming language sense instead of from the database administrator’s point of view. It is especially true if the data types to store the data persistently have the same encoding across the programming languages and the languages used by the database. The programmers would be able to find out whether such query is efficient by just looking at it.

The programming language should be able to handle schema migrations from structural and semantic changes with little overhead. Structural change as defined by Cobbs, is the change that made to the actual data format or layout, thus making ALTER TABLE necessary for the operation as the database needs to modify the table itself or its column. Semantic change on the other hand, is the change that are the corresponding “fix-ups” to the data, which determine how the data should present or represent in the table or column. For such functionality to be effective, the underlying database should be able to support multiple schemas at a time and allow rolling schema migrations, that is the objects stored could be upgraded over time or on demand without needing drastic structural reorder command such as ALTER TABLE. Those schemas will be tracked automatically in the database and verification will be done against what the code expects at the start of each transaction. These features allow the structural changes to be automated and improve the comprehensibility of the codes that initiate semantic changes.

Cobbs envisioned a more precise way to define what data to copy and retain as offline data after the closing of the transaction by using an in-memory mini-database. The querying on the offline data should be identical to the querying directly on the database itself, which means that secondary index data should be retained as well other than just having primary data. We could expand this particular utility to include database designs that emphasise efficient snapshots (e.g., log-structured databases), where the in-memory mini-database could be used as a read-only, memory-mapped view into a snapshot. Compare to a rather unsafe, inefficient approach from JPA on handling the data collection where one could touch it when the transaction is still loading and lost after JPA clear its online cache, this is a better implementation.

Transferring database information via network could be rather easy as the database will be treated as simple sorted key-value pairs and with in-memory database including its schema-tracking information. The database will be converted to Java objects correspondingly, and be serialised and sent over the network. The receiving end will be able to open and read the database just as reading a bunch of Java objects, and since the schema information is also included, schema migrations will happen automatically.

For such, the author developed Permazen, an open source# project that try to implement the described earlier concept of persistence programming.

Links to this page
  • Refactoring: Improving The Design of Existing Code

    However, there are several good points to not refactor the codes. First, when the application is highly coupled to the database schema. It is rather hard to refactor the codes as database is difficult to change and because of data migration (Persistence Programming# aims to solve that). A change to the schema could result in a data migration which could be a frustratingly long task. A suggestion coming to from the author is to create an intermediate layer between the object model and database model so that updating one model only result in a change of intermediate layer rather than the other model.

  • Refactoring

    However, Refactoring is not a magic cure to all troubles a software engineer will encounter. It is not encouraged by Fowler to refactor an application that is highly coupled to the database schema. It is largely due to the high cost of data migration. Try Persistence Programming instead. Or instead build an intermediate layer between the object model and database model, so changes happen in one model will not affect another.

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