Refactoring: Improving The Design of Existing Code


Refactoring# is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behaviour of the code yet improves its internal structure. (p. xvi)

Refactoring helps reduce bugs and improve the design. With cumulative of small changes on the project, it will have drastic improvement on the design which prevent software decay.

Chapter 1

A system that is hard to change (finding where the change is needed) is a poorly designed system. This will ultimately introduce bugs to the system. The modules or functions used in the system should be reusable especially if there will be frequent changes on the system.

The first thing to do when refactoring, is to set up tests# for the soon-to-be refactored code. The tests should be self-checking, that is to say “OK” when the tests passed and print out a list of failures when it is not.

Decompose long method, as that often mean a convoluted method or function which has too many responsibilities attached to it. Smaller methods or functions are easier to work with. Inspect what are the variables and parameters that are local to the scope of soon-to-be refactored code, and then move them into chunk(s). Rename the variables and parameters that fits its usage for more clarity.

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. (p. 15)

If the class method doesn’t use any information from the class itself but instead uses information from other class(es), the method could be on the wrong object. Move the method to the class where it uses the most information of.

Now, remember to find all references to the old method across code base. You can either remove the old method or just redirect it to the newly refactored method.

If there are temporary variables holding a value from an expression, remove them, and use the query or function directly. The author argued that temporaries cause a lot of parameters to be passed around when they don’t have to be, with additional benefit that queries could be reused by other classes or method. However, this refactoring practice will pay a price in terms of performance as the value will be calculated over and over again. However, the optimisation should be done in the method, the class or the function (use cache?).

Do refactor little by little, so that it is less prone to go wrong.

As the author successfully extended the program with the feature of outputting the HTML format of the movie rental, there are striking similarities between the original statement() and new htmlStatement() method for the class. The solution is to form template method. First, create a new class with both the methods as its children classes. The original class will retain the method, but will call the procedure from the children classes. Then extract the varying codes and form a method accordingly to each class. Pull up the main method to the parent class.

It is advised by the author to not do a conditional statement such as switch and if based on an attribute of another object. If there is a need for a conditional statement, it should instead be done on its own data not others. We can refactor the method by moving it to the object instead of the current one.

If there’s a need to change the object’s state or behaviour during the lifetime, refactor the class to adhere the State Pattern# will be a good idea. This is especially useful on the classes that involves switch or other conditional statement in order to provide different services based on its current state. It eliminates the need for conditional statement and type code, and instead relies on polymorphism to do the job.

Chapter 2

Refactoring is a change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its observable behaviour.

It is similar to Optimisation, however with a different purpose. Optimisation is to speed up the program but might end up with less comprehensibility of the codes whereas Refactoring wants to make the software easier to understand and extendible.

As a software developer, we have two hats: adding function and refactoring. When we are adding function, we don’t change the existing code. We’re merely adding new capabilities and tests to the software. When we are refactoring, no new functionalities or tests (unless you miss a case) should be added to the code base. Instead, we are just changing the internal structure of the code. Changing test is allowed only if an interface change force it to. It is quite common for a software developer to change their hats often. We just need to be aware what hat we are on right now.

Fowler stated four benefits of refactoring: it improves the design of software, it makes software easier to comprehend, it helps in finding bugs, and it speeds up development.

Without refactoring, the code will lose its structural cohesion as people change the codes for various intention. The harder it is to see the design in code, the harder it is to preserve it, and the more rapidly the structure of the code decays. Refactoring helps code retain its shape (p. 55). Poorly designed code usually has duplications# where different codes are doing the same thing. Refactoring can remove such duplications. A good design has only the code that says everything once and once only.

Software development is always about human, not the computer. The code should be readable so the next guy who picks up the codebase won’t waste too much time on understanding the code before adding more codes. Refactoring makes the code speak its purpose with more clarity. A clearer codebase is also easier to spot bugs. Overall, it speeds up the whole software development process. Rapid software development is about consistent speed not a burst.

The author opposed the idea to schedule refactoring. Quoted from him, “You don’t decide to refactor, you refactor because you want to do something else, and refactoring helps you do that other thing.” (p. 58) There are hints that a refactoring is necessary. If there is a duplication of functionality, follow Don Roberts’ Rule of Three: “Three strikes and you refactor”, where strike means the functionality or code that shares similarities. Refactoring should be done too when you want to add function, fix a bug (because it is hard to spot a bug), and/or doing a code review (with a small review groups consist of one reviewer and the original author, essentially pair programming). If adding function is not easy, that indicates a need to refactor to improve the design. In larger groups, code review could be done with the UML diagrams and CRC cards.

If the manager questions about the legitimacy of refactoring, depending on their expertise and/or focus, there are different ways to deal with them. Let’s say the manager has a technical background, we could introduce refactoring to him. If the manager is quality-oriented, persuade them by saying refactoring is essentially a review on the code which could reduce buys and thus speed up the development. However, if the manager is focus on schedule, then simply don’t tell, refactoring silently as it generally speeds things up.

However, there are several good points to not refactor the codes. First, when the application is highly coupled to the database schema. It is rather hard to refactor the codes as database is difficult to change and because of data migration (Persistence Programming# aims to solve that). A change to the schema could result in a data migration which could be a frustratingly long task. A suggestion coming to from the author is to create an intermediate layer between the object model and database model so that updating one model only result in a change of intermediate layer rather than the other model.

Second, if the interface is published, then it is not recommended refactoring the interface without first notifying the users that the method is being refactored especially if the method name changed. Retain the old method, and redirect it to the newly refactored method can solve the problem, but the code could be harder to maintain. The point here is to not overuse published interface.

Third, if starting from scratch is an easier approach. The sign for it is when the codebase doesn’t work at all and is full of bugs, and it is impossible to stabilise it. There is a way to do it though with refactoring, is by turning a large piece of software into components with strong encapsulation. From here, we can make a refactor-versus-rebuild decision for one component at a time.

Forth, obviously, you shouldn’t do refactoring when a deadline is close. It is too late to refactor right now.

A perfect upfront design is too idealistic in planning. Many times, people will miss some details about the project. Refactoring provides an alternative to this way of software development strategy, argued by Fowler, and it is about refining the first ever design that come out from our mind. Extreme Programming practices this. First, they come out with design ideas using CRC cards, UML diagrams or other design tools and discuss for a first plausible design solution. The mindset changed: we don’t try to find the best solution, instead we find a reasonable solution which tends to be simple. Flexible solution is great, but too much flexibility could result in a complex design.

Although refactoring come at a cost of performance penalty due to indirection, it opens opportunities for fine-tuning since the code is more readable than ever. With refactoring, components tend to be small and easier to test. This means that it is easier to find out which part of code needs to be optimised which is measured by profiler since they are rather decoupled.


Kent Beck identifies four types of programs that are hard to modify:

  • programs that are hard to read
  • programs that have duplicated logic
  • programs that require additional behaviour that requires you to change running code
  • programs with complex conditional logic

The goal of the refactoring is to make the program easy to read, have all logic specified in one and only one place (DRY Principle#), doesn’t allow changes to alter existing behaviour and allow only simple conditional logic.

Chapter 3

There are several indications that the code needs to be refactored.

The obvious one is there is duplicated# code. If the same code structure appear in more than one places, extract it into a new method and then replace the code in place with the method. If it appears in sibling subclasses, then extract it into a new method and pull it up to the parent class. Be aware if the code is similar but with slightly different steps, form a template method where the similar bits will be placed, and different bits to be in new method that will be called in template method. This way, the template method will be easier to read, and the implementation details will be encapsulated in other methods. If the methods are doing the same thing, but one is doing it is a simpler way, adopt the simpler method over the complex one. If the duplicated code is in unrelated classes, then extract it into a class and make it a component in both classes. That being said, it is highly dependable on the situation which class does the code or method should belong to.

If there appears to be a long method in terms of line, the usual solution is to extract a method. If instead the method has lots of temporary variables, replace temporary variables with query method. With long lists of parameters, we could introduce parameter object if they tend to be together or preserve whole object (pass in the whole object) if the values are from the same object. However, if there is a need to preserve the dependency structure, don’t preserve the whole object as it will cause a dependency between the required object and the called object. If you can get the data in one parameter making request of an object that ready to be called, replace the parameter with method that called inside the method. If after all these chores, the lists of parameter or temporary variables is still too many, simply replace method with a new class.

Fowler suggests that if the code needs comment to explain what it is doing, there is a good chance that it is better to be a method with the name based on the comment. Complicated conditional expressions could be decomposed using methods. Loop could be encapsulated into its own method.

Another refactoring opportunity is that a class have too much instance variables. Extract a new class from variables that go together well, especially those will common prefixes or suffixes. Depends on the circumstances, it might make more sense to be a subclass of the current class. If the class is a GUI class, move data and behaviour to a separate domain class (#review p. 189 on how to do this).

If we can’t jump to a single clear point in the system and make a change, this indicates a bad code smell. Ask yourself, do you need to change multiple methods in a class when there is a new database or business logic introduced to the codebase? If so, it is better to have two objects than one so that one kind of change is isolated within a single class.

That being said, having more classes is not always a good sign. If there is a need to make changes all over the place (to different classes), there is a need to move the necessary methods and/or fields to a single class so that all changes will happen on only one class. Parallel inheritance hierarchies could be a source of duplication# too which we could solve it by moving the duplicated methods and/or fields up to the hierarchy.

If a method is depending on another class and/or its methods, it is a feature envy that we should fix. Move the method to the corresponding class as it clearly belongs to there. If feature envy only happens in part of it, then extract the jealous bit to a new method and move it to the designated class. Move the method to the place where it can get more of the data it needed. Put things together that change together. However, there are some special cases such as Strategy Pattern, Visitor Pattern and Self Delegation (Kent Beck’s Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns).

Data clump is a group of data that always gather together. It is a sign to create a new object to manage them as a whole. This will reduce the parameter lists and simplify the method calling. A small class contains only two or three fields will not be the end of the world. Primitives are not always the best choice.

Type codes usually show a bad smell in code. Replace them with either class (if it doesn’t affect the behaviour), subclasses or State Pattern# or Strategy Pattern (the latter is useful in replacing conditional codes such as switch statement). Usually, polymorphism is the cure to the symptom, but it could be an overkill. If they effect on a single method, replacing them with explicit methods could do the job well. If one of the conditional cases is null, then introduce a Null Object Pattern#.

A class that isn’t doing much should be put into grave. Some are born from speculative generality where we expect a case to handle, but it is not required in reality. A hint to spot them is when the only one that exercises them is the test case. If the method has an odd abstract name, we should rename it for more clarity.

If there is a temporary field which only set in some circumstances, it is better to create a class for it or introduce a null object to indicate invalidity.

There will be a case where there is a long list of message chain where one object ask for another object, and then the object ask for yet another object. The symptom can be spotted when we see a long line of get() methods. We can collapse it by hiding it in the object that needs it the most. However, the advice from the author is not to go too far. Make sure that the target object is talking to the object it needed directly. If there is additional behaviour, replace the delegation to inheritance.

If a class, especially a subclass, knowing too much information that it doesn’t need, there is a need to move some components from it. See if we can change the relationship between two classes from bidirectional to unidirectional in UML. Or if they have common interests, put up a new class to place their commonality or use a delegate class act in between. For subclasses, this could be eliminated by replacing the inheritance with delegation.

For methods that do the same thing but have different signatures for what they do, rename them so that they appear identical. Move methods to the class until the protocols are the same. Sometimes, it will be better to extract a superclass from the commonality.

There are some cases where the library class doesn’t include the behaviour that you often use, introduce a new method (foreign method) to handle that case or if there are tons of behaviours to be implemented, extend it with inheritance or wrapper class.

Data class are great initially, but eventually we will need to add more behaviours into it to make it act as a real object. Make sure all fields are encapsulated within the class including the collection where getting it will only provide a view (unmodifiable). Remove all the setters if the fields are not meant to be changed. Look for where the getters and setters are called in other classes, move or extract the behaviour as a method into the data class. Then, we can hide all the getters and setters of the data class situationally.

It is rather fine to have some subclasses to know a little more information that they don’t need. However, if it is causing confusion and problems, then create a new sibling class and push down all unused method and/or field to the sibling where the parent will hold only the common methods. In addition, if the subclass is reusing the behaviour but doesn’t want to support the interface of the superclass, remove the subclass from the hierarchy and use the superclass as a delegate.

Comment# are usually an indicator for refactoring. If there’s a need to explain what a code does, extract it as a new method with easily understandable name (or rename it if it already exists). If the comments are used to state rules, use Assertions# to enforce it.

Chapter 4

Tests are essential for refactoring, and it doesn’t just benefit on refactoring itself but the overall productivity as it reduces the time for debugging. Debugging# is the most time-consuming practice in software development. Fixing a bug can be quite quick, but finding it is another story. Having tests is to minimise the chance to miss a bug or the scope where bug could be located.

Make testing easy so that it requires little efforts to code. Make sure all tests are fully automatic and that they check their own results. Begin feature expansion by writing a test for it, which by default should fail. By this, we can inspect and review what’s the requirements for the feature to work and make the test pass. It also forces us to focus on the interface rather than the implementation.

In refactoring, we only need to run the tests that exercise the code where we are working, which is a few, so the process will be fast.

It is advised to make a unit test that exposes the bug tracked by a newly filed bug report.

However, Fowler didn’t like the idea of testing every public method in the codebase. He treated unit testing as risk driven; a tool to find bugs now or in the future. If the function is so simple, it is unlikely to a bug will be there. Writing too many tests usually leads to not writing enough as we can never reach the 100% threshold.

He advised thinking of the boundary conditions under which things might go wrong, which includes possible raised #exception and concentrate our tests there. Try to intentionally break the test by specifying possible special case.

Don’t treat testing as some kind of a magic that can catch all bugs in the codebase. Treat testing as a performance boost to your productivity.

Links to this page
  • Unit Testing

    It is #recommended testing the subcomponents first before testing on the main module in which we’ll have a composable testing facility. However, don’t test every public method if they are too simple to test as advised by Fowler.

  • Two Hats Analogy

    As software developers, we have two hats. One is for adding function and one is for **Refactoring#**. Frequent change of hats are quite common in software development as we want to refine the software to adhere to the system requirements. Just that we need to be aware what hat we’re currently wearing. Refactoring: Improving The Design of Existing Code

  • The Pragmatic Programmer

    To avoid making the codebase worse after refactoring (Fowler#), we should make sure that (1) we don’t try to add new functionality while refactoring, (2) we have good tests and run them frequently where we could know we’ve broken something after changes and (3) we only do localised changes which are small, e.g., moving a field from one class to another, changing the variable name and fuse two similar methods into superclass.

  • Refactoring

    As recommended by Fowler, run the tests that exercise the code where refactoring is taking place so that it doesn’t slow down the process.

    However, Refactoring is not a magic cure to all troubles a software engineer will encounter. It is not encouraged by Fowler to refactor an application that is highly coupled to the database schema. It is largely due to the high cost of data migration. Try Persistence Programming instead. Or instead build an intermediate layer between the object model and database model, so changes happen in one model will not affect another.

    Fowler suggested three rules for Refactoring in order to preserve the codebase quality:

    Hunt et al. advised to refactor the codebase sooner than later before the task itself grow more tedious and larger. Regular refactoring should be encouraged as the drastic improvement on the design due to cumulative of small changes on the project (Fowler), and do not be slave to the history. Be ready to replace any code in the project.

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