Organizational Questions of the Russian Social Democracy

Luxemburg noticed that the differences between the underlying conditions for the German and Russian proletariat: while German workers suffered from Bismark’s antisocialist policies for many years, nevertheless lie on the ground where bourgeois society was flourishing and was highly developed. In contrast, the autocracy efforts to prolong its regime rule in Russia resulted in a weak bourgeois political force. This gave the ongoing effort from the Social Democracy#, pushed by Menshevik, Bolshevik #lenin and Social Revolutionaries, a democrartic-revolutionary character, but at the same time set in the challenge for the Socialist to spread to the class awareness by themselves as there were no intense class antagonism resulted from capitalism.

As the nature of feudal autocracy is of autonomy and decentralisation, any revolution that comes after it will be of centralism, Luxemburg argued. It can been seen from the Social Democracy movement in Russia as well.

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