
Zettelkasten is a methodology to organise Note-Taking Tips. Instead of emphasise on categorising notes, it focuses on the links between the notes, their atomicity# and the progression of the notes. It could be used to practise Dialogic Learning.

There are several types of zettels:

We could use the characteristics of Zettelkasten to track the progress of a particular project in an index note where the links to the related topics are concentrated there.


Don’t tag like an archivist, tag like a writer

Make the tags searchable and in a way that I want to search them. The tags shall be relevant to the contents that the note is talking about or be related to other topics. They should be a tool that is used to understand the context of the note, not as a categorise tool that try to establishing links between notes.

You could ask yourself this on deciding which tag should be used on the note: In which circumstances will I want to stumble upon this note? What is the note primarily talking about?


In some situation, links alone does not provide much information about the relation between notes. Sometimes, we need a tool to help progress our thought process, to direct us to the next step.

Therefore, folgezettel should be viewed as a sequence of the thought process, at least how generally will I progress on the topic. Again, as with tag, do not get the idea to use folgezettel as a categorise tool.

Links to this page
  • Scientific Reading

    When engaging in reading scientific researches or articles, be aware of its journal bias and whether if it is peer-reviewed or not. There are some scientific journals doesn’t require the article to be peer-reviewed in order for it to be published. So do make sure that when making notes# about them, make sure that the article is peer-reviewed. That being said, an article being peer-reviewed doesn’t mean it is immune to inaccuracy. Always read its contents and references.

  • Ingram’s Zettelkasten

    Welcome to my personal digital garden that stores thousands of notes regarding variety of topics! All those notes are made with Zettelkasten# method in mind. Enjoy your time here!

  • Fleeting Note

    This kind of notes should be treated as temporary notes that should be later incorporated into the #Zettelkasten in the form of Permanent Note#.

  • Atomicity of a Note

    Sure that there will be a lot of contexts lost while creating a note, but with the help of #Zettelkasten it should be easy to create those contexts into notes where the original note could make links to them. In this way, we do not lost the contexts at all. We just hide the contexts for brevity which we could do our revision more quickly. This is sometimes called Progressive Summarization.
