Git Fetch

fetch is a #202205251209 command which downloads remote repository’s commits onto the local repository if there is no merge# conflicts.

Although we can use refspecs like in 202205251600 and 202204262031#, it is recommended to not do so.

Links to this page
  • Git Push

    One can pass in refspecs in the format of {local_branch}:{remote_branch} into the command push {remote} with 202205251604# in order to push the local branch# to a specific remote branch that is not referred by the local branch. If you do not name the local branch, the remote branch will be deleted instead. You could do this with 202205251612 and 202204262031 too.

    push is a #202205251209 command that used to push local repository to the remote, which is the opposite of 202205251612.

  • Git Pull

    By default, pull is just a shorthand of 202204261123# after #202205251612 from remote repository. Add option --rebase to use 202204261122# instead.

    Similar to 202205251600, you can use refspecs with the format of {remote_branch}:{local_branch} for the command pull {remote} with 202205251604#. If the remote branch# is not named, it will create a local branch that #202205251612 all commits on the remote repository instead, and then merge it to the checkout branch.

  • Git
#vcs #git