Polyphase Merge

Polyphase Merge is used when there are only \(k + 1\) drives or tapes where \(k\) represent an even number. It will first split the file contents into runs that resemble Fibonacci number. Note that all the runs have been sorted using one of the 202203102004.

Since the split is uneven, there will always be a split that finished earlier than the other. We will merge the smallest Fibonacci number in the previous pass of runs into the empty drive or tape, and split the remaining runs into the other drive or tape that does not obtain that number. Apply the recursive assumption, we will then run the progress all over again until we merge all the runs.

This distribution strategy could be used to extend the 202203102233 where the \(k\)th order of Fibonacci number is defined as \(F^{(k)}(N) = F^{(k)}(N - 1) + F^{(k)}(N - 2) + \cdots + F^{(k)}(N - k)\) with initial conditions of \(F^{(k)}(N) = 0, 0 \le N, \le k - 2, F^{(k)}(k - 1) = 1\).

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