Relative Growth Rates

It is essential to estimate the relative growth rates on the usage of computational time and/or memory space used by the program in order to secure a better performance to do the task.

Before explaining the rules, we need to define the following terms:

Big-Oh: \(T(N) = O(f(N))\) if there are positive constants \(c\) and \(n_0\) such that \(T(N) \le cf(N)\) when \(N \ge n_0\).

Big-Oh commonly indicates the running time of the algorithm in the worst case scenario. It defines the upper bound running time for the algorithm.

Omega: \(T(N) = \Omega(g(N))\) if there are positive constants \(c\) and \(n_0\) such that \(T(N) \ge cg(N)\) when \(N \ge n_0\).

Omega commonly indicates the running time of the algorithm in the best case scenario. It defines the lower bound running time for the algorithm.

Theta: \(T(N) = \Theta(h(N))\) if and only if \(T(N) = O(h(N))\) and \(T(N) = \Omega(h(N))\).

Theta commonly indicates the running time of the algorithm in average case scenario. Usually, this is the realistic running time for the algorithm.

little-oh: \(T(N) = o(p(N))\) if \(T(N) = O(p(N))\) and \(T(N) \not = \Theta(p(N))\).

Little-oh is basically a more strict version of Big-Oh.


There are rules to be complied when dealing with relative growth rates.

First rule: If \(T_1(N) = O(f(N))\) and \(T_2(N) = O(g(N))\), then

  • \(T_1(N) + T2(N) = \text{ max}(O(f(N)), O(g(N))\),
  • \(T_1(N) \times T_2(N)= O(f(N) \times g(N))\)

Second rule: If \(T(N)\) is a polynomial of degree \(k\), then \(T(N) = \Theta(N^k)\)

Third rule: \(log^k N = O(N)\) for any constant \(k\). This tells us that logarithms grow very slow.


See Growth Rates Ranking#

Links to this page
  • The Pragmatic Programmer

    Use Big O notation# to mathematically approximate the upper bound of the algorithm speed or memory usage. Its limitation is that there’s no way telling if there are differences between two algorithm speed or memory usage with the same growth rates#.

  • Algorithm Analysis

    To efficiently analyse a particular algorithm, we need to have some assumptions and rules to establish, and comply the #the rules stated.

    Third rule: For consecutive statements, add them up and follow the #First Rule.
