Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

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  • Automation Controller

    Automation Controller is part of the #202204292323. It is a self-hosted (on-premise or cloud#) Web UI and REST API (accessible via url api/v2) running on 202205251159 or OpenShift Container Platform (OCP).

  • Ansible Content Navigator

    ansible-navigator is a #202204292323 command line interface (CLI) tool to view or monitor various #202204272021 information. It can run 202204272036# and 202204300942#. It is an enhanced version of ansible-playbook which unlike the latter, can run EE.

  • Ansible

    For network devices and API endpoints, Ansible will run the module codes locally in the control node taking advantages of parallelism. To increase scalability, one could install 202204292323# as a cluster. For Linux or Windows hosts, it will run the module codes remotely in the managed nodes since these machines have facility to execute commands by themselves. The module codes are copied to those remote machines and executed there. These remote hosts will then send back the result of the module codes in JSON format.

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