Bug Classification

A bug could be classified as following:

  • Syntax errors, which could be detected by compilers

  • Syntax warnings, which is technically allowed by compilers but involved potential questionable practices. Using extensive flags could make the warnings more verbose.

  • Simple source code errors such as syntactically correct typo. It could sometime circumvent the compilers’ checking so be aware of it.

  • Implementation errors where lower-level data structure does not handle the data or operations correctly to meet the requirement. It usually indicates that there is something wrong about the invariant(s) or there is a violation on pre- or post-condition(s).

  • Logic errors where high-level algorithm does not produce the result that meet the requirement. It indicates that there are some cases being missed by the algorithm.

  • Configuration or build errors. Although the build resulted in success, it is not the version required by the organisation. There could be some unwanted binary component been attached to the executable program.

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