Create A Table for Shortest Path Algorithm

The following algorithm is used to initialise a table structure for #202204141149 in order to store current calculated information.

The following table visualises a completed table:

typedef int Vertex;

struct TableEntry {
  List      Header; // Adjacency List
  int       Known;
  DistType  Dist;
  Vertex    Path;

// Vertices are numbered from 0
#define NotAVertex (-1)
typedef struct TableEntry Table[NumVertex];
void InitTable(Vertex Start, Graph G, Table T)
  int i;

  ReadGraph(G, T);
  for (i = 0; i < NumVertex; i++) {
    T[i].Known = False;
    T[i].Dist = Infinity;
    T[i].Path = NotAVertex;

  T[Start].Dist = 0;

 *  Print shortest path to V after algorithm has run
 *  Assume that the path exists
void PrintPath(Vertex V, Table T)
  if (TV].Path != NotAVertex) {
    PrintPath(T[V].Path, T);
    printf(" to");
  printf("%v", V);
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