X Display Manager (XDM)

XDM is a #202205182153 available in 202204081225. All configuration files can be found in the directory /etc/X11/xdm. xdm-config is the main configuration file where the variable DisplayManager.requestPort could be set to 0 to disable remote access or 177 which is the port to listen for connection. The file Xaccess is used to restrict the access to the #202205182136 server. The following shows the example:

*.social.linux.pizza CHOOSER BROADCAST

The example configuration above indicates that the domain social.linux.pizza can connect to the XDM and request a chooser (a display of local systems that accept #202205182136). littleclover.com otherwise can only connect to the XDM.

To set environment variable for #202205051624 specifically, one could put them into the file Xresources.

If there is an error upon remote connection to the client, try to find a line of command in the configuration files that contains -nolisten tcp and remove it.
