Conditional Statement

Conditional Statement is a #202204281244 which states that if one thing is true, then some other thing should be also true. It usually uses the phrase “if … then”.

For example: If primate is mammal, then human is mammal. This can be denoted using logical operator#, \(p \rightarrow q\). \(p\) is called a hypothesis or antecedent whereas \(q\) is called the conclusion or consequent. The hypothesis of the statement could be false, however it doesn’t imply that the statement is false. On the contrary, the conclusion could still be true, which we call it as vacuously true or true by default. This could be seen from its 202205061151#. If the hypothesis is true, then the conclusion must be true, otherwise it is a false statement.

If both hypothesis and conclusion are in their negation form, it is the inverse of the original conditional statement, shown as \(\sim p \rightarrow \sim q\). When the conclusion and the hypothesis swap their places in a statement, as in \(q \rightarrow p\), it is a converse of the conditional statement. The contrapositive of a conditional statement can be formed when the hypothesis and conclusion in converse of the conditional statement are negated, denoted \(\sim q \rightarrow \sim p\).

The contrapositive of a conditional statement is logically equivalence# to the conditional statement itself. Both converse and inverse form of the conditional statement is not logically equivalence to it (the conditional statement), but they are logically equivalence to themselves (converse and inverse).

There is another form of Conditional Statement which is more restrictive, the Biconditional. It is denoted \(p \leftrightarrow q\) which means \(p\) if and only if \(q\). For example: Human is mammal if, and only if primate is mammal. We can either say that “If human is mammal, then primate is mammal” or “If primate is not mammal, then human is not mammal”. Sometimes, the phrase “if and only if” will be abbreviated to “iff”. Note that the statement \(P\) and \(Q\) are logically equivalence# if and only if \(P \leftrightarrow Q\) is a tautology.

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