Critical Reading

Critical Reading could be useful in inspecting, weighting and evaluating a writer’s ideas thoroughly. There’s no need to jump right into the wagon and quick to accuse someone when they have a differing opinion than you. Pay attention to what they have wrote, carefully analyse their meaning and what they’re implying.

First, we need to examine the reading’s credibility: When did the material publish? Is the author reliable? How relevant is the information stated in the material to the current situation? Is the material accurate and complete? What’s the tone of voice the author used? Find out their attitude and biases in the material.

We can put the reading into a larger context. Is the material’s ideas match what I know from other sources? Identify the background, history and social context needed to understand the author’s perspective. It would be helpful if we know how things changed or remained the same since the publication. Ascertain what allusions (people, events) has been used, and why.

Evaluate the reasoning and supports in the material. Is the material clear and logical? Find out if the examples and supporting details given are appropriate to the topic discussed. Make sure that the inferences of the material is consistent with the tone and message. Don’t ignore the hidden logic that is implied by the author.

If you have faced some challenges in reading, inspect why. Is it because of my beliefs and values that are in conflicts of the author’s views? What discomfort does the reading created? Be aware of the influence from your own perspective.

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