Race Condition

Race condition is a condition in multithreading environment where the variable’s value are dependent on the sequence of thread execution due to the nature of threads. This probably happened when two or more threads are reading from and writing to the same variable simultaneously which their sequence of execution is not guarantee.

Links to this page
  • Thread Creation in Rust

    Note: move is necessary in order to move the ownership of a variable from the outer scope to the thread scope. This will avoid 202112061109# as the thread created truly owns the variable passed into its scope.

  • Semaphore in Pthread

    Semaphore is another way to lock a critical section other than mutex which could prevent the #202112061109. It could be used to restrict the number of possible simultaneous accesses to limited amount of resources. The difference between semaphore and mutex is the thread that lock the mutex own the mutex for its entire lifetime. Semaphore does not introduce ownership to the threads that lock or decrement it.

    To inspect the current value of the semaphore, we could call sem_getvalue on it. However, be reminded that the reading of the semaphore’s value is not 202112061109 free in the sense that there is no default safeguard around it. Do not rely on this function to consistently retrieve the value from the semaphore.

  • Routine in Pthread

    Be aware that if the argument is access by multiple threads, there will be a concern over 202112061109# if those threads are able to read from and write to the arguments without restriction.

  • Producer-Consumer Problem

    The first problem would cause 202112061109 which would affect the follow-up execution by either the producer or the consumer.

  • Nation

    Nation is not about race# or tribe, it is a group of people who share similar history, culture, language, land and economic life.

  • Mutex in Rust

    If there is a need to share the data across multiple #threads, 202112061109# will inevitably happen. The need for a mutex (mutual exclusion lock) arises, so that only the one that obtained the lock can modify the data state at a time, where others will queue up and wait for the lock to be released. Rust provides Mutex type through the standard library std::sync::Mutex. Acquiring the lock from Mutex can be done by simply calling the function lock. However, there is a need to handle the error that could arise if the current owner of the mutex panics during its execution.

  • Mutex in Pthread

    Mutex is a lock that could be used to prevent threads from reading from and/or writing to the variable that they share between each other. This could prevent the #202112061109 from happening since the program will be able to deny granting access of that variable to other threads when the mutex is currently locked by a thread. Such mechanism is great for code synchronisation.

  • Mach
    Thread: the basic unit of execution and must be run in the context of task where it inherits the task’s address space, ports, memory etc. The resources are shared among the threads. Threads could use 202204222158# for communication.
  • Linux Memory Management

    The resource management for newly recreated child process by fork system call will be done in #202203251058. They will point to the same process structure that their parent is using. This is crucial for I/O instructions since copying the file contents into the child’s memory space can be costly. If the child wants to modify the process structure, #202204081225 will then copy the process structure and other necessary system resources for it to prevent #202112061109.

  • Concurrency

    Concurrency is an ability of the program to execute its control sequence out-of-order or in partial order. This will inevitably cause Race Condition# due to the possible simultaneous access to the same resource. The security might not be sufficient to guard the shared memory from being exploited by an intruder.

  • Atomic Variable

    Atomic Variable is a variable that capitalised in hardware characteristics so that simultaneous reading and writing of it will not cause #202112061109.
