
Cryptography is a study of encryption principles or methods, which transform an intelligible (comprehensible) message into one that is unintelligible (incomprehensible) and then re-transform it back to its original form. To put it simply, it is a study of secret (crypto) writing (graphy).

Based on the cryptographic #algorithm used, we can put all cryptographic methods into three groups:

We can categorise all cryptographic systems into two kinds based on the number of keys used:

Not only that, we can also organise them according to the way in which plaintext is processed:

Note: We can’t be certain of whether the cryptographic method or algorithm is secure until we know the key size used for encryption and decryption. However, if the key size is the same for Symmetric Cryptography# and Asymmetric Cryptography#, then Symmetric Cryptography is more secure.

Most encryption algorithms use exponentiation, accompany by Modular Arithmetic# as shown in the following equation:

$$ c = a^b \mod p $$

The security of the encryption scheme depends on the difficulty of Factorisation to find out the prime numbers used to generate the keys or secrets.

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