
Copyright laws in digital era makes it illegal to look inside your computer when certain applications is running, to share what have you found. It can censor some Internet sites without proving it is wrong.

The lawmakers are doing so because they do not understand #202203011205. They try to control the usability of a computer using #202203011213. They are making unrealistic demands.

We could see copyright laws as the attempt of capitalists to further concentrate capital#. They are tying to relinquish the freedom of what we could see and believe. They are not satisfied what they have owned, instead they are interested in owning our personal property.

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  • The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Capitalism

    Small and Medium Enterpises (SMEs) are fitting the role to explore new branch of production in capitalism. They are doing so since in older branch of production, there is either too heated competitions or has been monopolies by large capitals. Nevertheless, once the branch of production has become mature, these SMEs will either dominate the market with the strict control over their intellectual property#, forced to explore new branch of production or completely die out.

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