Socialist Organisation Disciplines

Socialist organisations and movements should always enforce the idea from 202203121058#. It should not tolerate towards the violence against women in any form, and must refute and expose male chauvinism from within.

Center for Marxist Leninist-Marxist Studies (CMLMS) suggests the following precautions in disciplining a socialist organisation or movement in violating 202203121058# :

  • Automatic expulsion of membership
  • Weight victim’s voice more
  • Encourage rectification
  • Enforce with written principles
  • Employ criticism and self-criticism in feminist leadership
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  • Trade Union

    Trade Union is an organisation# that fight for workers’ rights under capitalism. Their sole purpose is to educate the working class about the course of capitalist oppression and impose a limit of exploitation that capitalists could be put on #proletariat. However, it does not eliminate the wage labour or wage slavery, which is the essential form of capitalist exploitation.
