Printing in Linux

#202204081225 uses several unique print queues that can hold dozens of files waited to be printed. The files could be submitted by the program lpr which typically found in the directory /var/spool/cups. Print Queues are managed by 202205301742# (newer system that replaces LPD and LPRng) which will in turn sends them to the printers.

Some printer especially high-priced one uses PostScript (PS) as a standard. By this sense, there will be no additional requirements to setup. However, if the printer is low- or mid-priced, it is highly possible that it doesn’t support PS. Install 202205301606# into the machine and use it as the intermediary between workstation or computers to the printer(s).

Links to this page
  • Linux
  • Ghostscript

    Ghostscript is an open source software that translate PostScript (PS), a common programming language used for #202205301557 and Unix. It also contains printer drivers in order to translate PS into the language the printer can understand.

  • Common Unix Printing System (CUPS)

    CUPS is a widely-adopted printing system for Unix-like operating system including #Linux. It manages print queues in the local machine and can act as a client to pass those printing jobs to remote computers that works with the same underlying network printing protocol, 202205301808# (alternatives are SMB/CIFS and LPD).

    The CLI tool lpr is particularly useful in #202205301557. The files to be printed usually submitted into the directory /var/spool/cups/ by the tool.

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