Emacs Default Commands

You can access all commands in #202206121637 either from default package or imported plugins by the keybind M-x. The following sections will describe only commands that are from the default package.

Lisp Syntax Checking

Checking parentheses in Lisp variants is quite a hassle to do. The best and most convenient way to check missing or extra parentheses is by calling the command check-parens.

Search and Replace

You can replace all occurrences of a string or word specified by your given keyword using the command replace-string.

Links to this page
  • Emacs Keybinding

    In Emacs, searches are done incrementally. This means that Emacs will always try to find the first occurrence based on the character(s) that you have already typed in. To replace it, we can use the command replace-string#

  • Emacs

    Emacs is a free and open source editor which is part of the GNU project. We can customise almost every aspect of the editor in its Lisp variant (Emacs Lisp, with the extension .el) such as 202206121523#, 202206131443# and 202206151006#. It consists of buffer, mode line and echo area by default.

  • Dired

    Dired is the default #Emacs file explorer and manager. One can enter it with the command# M-x dired. It is one of the default major modes provided by the editor. There are several default keybindings available for us to manipulate files and directories.

#emacs #lisp