Vigenère Cipher

Vigenère Cipher is a #Polyalphabetic Cipher which is basically multiple interwoven Shift Cipher# using a long key with the length of the list of alphabets used.

The encryption process works like this:

  • Write the plaintext out.
  • Write the keyword repeated until it match the length of the plaintext, which will be the key for the Cipher.
  • Use each key letter as a Shift Cipher# key.
  • Substitute the letter with its corresponding position in the current Cipher key and proceed until we encrypt all the plaintext letters.

The decryption is simply reversing the whole encryption process.

However, Vigenère Cipher not entirely secure as the key could be repeated thus make it vulnerable to Frequency Analysis if there is too many repetitions. Another way to attack it is by guessing the number of alphabets being used, and then attack by brute force. If the key is too short, then it is easy to break with Kasiski Method#.

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