Commonly Used Set

The following are the commonly used #202204281446:

\(\mathbb{R}\)The set of all real numbers
\(\mathbb{Z}\)The set of all integers
\(\mathbb{Q}\)The set of all rational numbers
\(\mathbb{N}\)The set of all natural numbers

Sometimes, these symbols could have a superscript such as \(+\), \(-\) and \(\textit{nonneg}\). They indicate a set that has only positive, negative or non-negative elements respectively. For example, \(\mathbb{Z}^-\) means the set of all negative integers.

Note: \(0\) is neither positive nor negative number.

Links to this page
  • Set

    If there are too many numbers to express, we can abbreviate them using ellipsis (read “and so forth”) as \(\{1,2,3 \cdots 100\}\). There are some 202204281506# that have their own special symbols.

  • Cartesian Product

    The Cartesian Product of two \(\mathbb{R}\) (from 202204281506#) could be displayed in 202204281721# as a coordinate.
