
The things that we call random are not entirely “random”. For example, we often think that flipping a coin and guess which face will be up should be a random result. However, we know there are several factors that could influence the result from a flipped coin: the force applied, the strength of the wind, air resistance etc. If we can obtain the accurate value about these data, we can predict which face will be up once the coin have been flipped.

From here we know that randomness, is the ignorance of the initial condition(s) of a chaotic system. Randomness can be predicted and known in advance. For instance, there are many programming languages implemented their own random generator (pseudorandom number generator, PRNG). If we can know what’s the formulae that’s behind the function generating random numbers, we can predict what random numbers will be generated in sequence. Therefore, attempting to encrypt a data with random number generated by the computer which mostly operated in a deterministic manner is a #cryptography and #security disaster.

There are many use cases in Cryptography# relies on random numbers such as Nonce# in authentication protocols, session keys, public key generation, and keystream for One-Time Pad.

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