
Salafism is a Sunni reform movement that born in the period when the Mongols invaded the Mesopotamia and later gained traction when #western imperialism dominated in Arab World and Indian subcontinent.

Ibn Taymiyya is the main inspiration behind the movement. He objected the innovations of the Islam theology at the time particularly Sufi innovation such as Sufi whirling. Ibn Taymiyya didn’t fond on the idea that visiting the grave of saints or prophets and their family with the intension of getting blessed either. He rejected the traditional Sunni schools (Hanafi, Shafi’i, Maliki and Hanbali) on their method of the Islamic law (sharia) interpretation. Instead of relying on reasoning and/or past jurist’s judgement, Ibn Taymiyya advocated return to the original text of Quran. When interpreting Quran texts, those texts should be understood literally instead of treating them as metaphors. For example, the Quran said that the God (Allah) has hands, Ibn Taymiyya argued that God does have hand, just that it is not in the way which human can imagine.

Furthermore, Ibn Taymiyya encouraged the idea that Muslim that doesn’t follow the orthodox Islamic practices should be treated as non-believer. This is believed to be influenced by his hatred on the Mongols which devastated his home of origin, Iraq.

Some Islamic scholars heavily criticised his view, and during his lifetime, Salafism was not popular.

202205182055# is believed to be derived from Salafism.

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  • Wahhabism

    Wahhabism (short as wahabi) is a Sunni revivalist and fundamentalist movement which is heavily influenced by the Islamic scholar Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and another Sunni reform movement #202205182028. It was originated in Najd and play a major role on the nation building of Saudi Arabia where al-Wahhab was deeply entrenched in Saudi politics especially with the Saud royal family.

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