Active Image Viewing

Other than written paper, images become increasingly important in the digital age. Active accessing the image can be valuable in understanding what’s the message the illustrator bring out.

Follow the procedure below:

  • Survey (What’s the focal point? Observe the relationship of the foreground and background, left and right and colours used)
  • Inspect
  • Question
  • Designer: Who created this image, why they created it, and who was involved in auditing and editing?
  • Message: What’s the subject, how does it being portrayed, what’s the purpose of it?
  • Medium: What’s the medium, how has it been modified over time, what visual languages has been used?
  • Viewer: Whom are the audience for this image, am I one of them, what’s my relationship to the designer, do I agree to the message implied, do I feel comfortable, what’s my overall response to it?
  • Context: What’s the context of the image first presented, what’s the context surrounds it now, does it fit or fight the image?
  • Understand the purpose
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