Asymmetric Cryptography

Asymmetric Cryptography aka Public-Key Cryptography is a #Cryptographic system, first introduced by Whitefield Diffie and Martin Hellman in 1976, that involves usage of pair keys that perform unequal functions. Such keys are commonly denoted as: private key and public key. The generation of two keys typically requires very large numbers, thus rendering it slow when comparing to Symmetric Cryptography.

As the name suggests, private key can only be hold by the local host whereas public key can be shared among the hosts, or recipients, in the network. Both the public key and private key are encrypted by a cryptographic algorithm. The public key can only be decrypted by the matching private key, which identify the intended receiver. Public key is used to encrypt messages and verify signatures. Private key is used to decrypt messages and sign (create) signatures. Once the message get signed, it is non-repudiation# as there is only one owner for the private key and they can’t deny to the ownership of the key.

The requirements for a secure Asymmetric Cryptographic scheme, defined by Diffie and Hellman in 1976, is to have easily computed key pair generation, encryption, and decryption, but computationally infeasible# to determine private key given public key and recover plaintext given public key and ciphertext. Furthermore, the order of the encryption and decryption shouldn’t matter. Encryption can be done first then decryption or the other way around.

It addresses two issues faced by Symmetric Cryptography: Key Distribution# and Digital Signature#. One doesn’t need to have a secure channel or a third party to distribute public keys as it will not sufficient to undermine the security of the encrypted message. Public keys could be distributed by either Public Announcement#, Publicly Available Directory#, Public-Key Authority#, or Public-Key Certificate#. We can verify whether the message is coming from the intended sender using the public key, thus able to authenticate the author. That being said, it is vulnerable to quantum computing.

In addition, it is a must for an Asymmetric Cryptographic scheme to be resistant against Chosen Plaintext Attack (CPA)# since owning the public-key render a full control over the encryption algorithm. Otherwise, the scheme would be useless.

It is rather common for Asymmetric Cryptography to complement Symmetric Cryptography in order to distribute session keys# securely (which is used to encrypt and decrypt the message contents). There are several ways to do it:

Example of Asymmetric Cryptography:

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