Active Reading

Several techniques can be used to involve in Active Reading, which help in 202207130945#.

One can remove all the distractions such as TV and smartphone to concentrate on the reading material. Taking a break after 45 minutes of reading is essential too. While having the break, we can think about what do we read, what might come next and why.

Assessing rhetorical situation can help in Active Reading. We can inspect where and when was the material written and published, who’s the author and why did they write this piece of material. Don’t forget to put focus on the author’s qualification on the topic discussed in the material. Remember the reason why we read the material in the first place.

Always preview, read, review the material, and if you have faced difficulty in understanding certain phrases or sentences in the material, don’t shy away from reading them out loud. It would be beneficial for you if you write notes while reading the material.

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  • Active Image Viewing

    Other than written paper, images become increasingly important in the digital age. Active accessing the image can be valuable in understanding what’s the message the illustrator bring out.

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