Four Essential Freedoms

  • freedom to run the program as you wish, for nay purpose
  • freedom to study how to the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish
  • freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others
  • freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others
Links to this page
  • Xorg

    Xorg is a free and open source implementation of #202205051624. It is a fork of 202205051707. The configuration file for it is xorg.conf.

  • XFree86

    XFree86 is a free and open source implementation of #202205051624. The name of its configuration name is XFreeConfig or XFreeConfig-4 (for version 4.x).

  • Linux

    Linux is a #free and #open source Kernel# based on Unix, first initiated and developed by Linus Torvalds. Most of the time, Linux is coupled alongside with GNU utilities to compose a complete operating system which are contributed by Richard Stallman and Free Software Foundation (FSF) where they prefer to refer such combination as GNU/Linux or GNU+Linux.

  • Git

    Git is a free and open source #Version Control System (VCS) that was developed by Linus Torvalds, who is also the creator of Linux, and now maintained by the community. The repository can be hosted on various provider such as GitHub and GitLab.

  • Emacs

    Emacs is a free and open source editor which is part of the GNU project. We can customise almost every aspect of the editor in its Lisp variant (Emacs Lisp, with the extension .el) such as 202206121523#, 202206131443# and 202206151006#. It consists of buffer, mode line and echo area by default.
