
The Information of an event is inversely related to the probability of the event occurrence. Its unit is in bits. The higher the probability of the event occurrence, the lower the information contained in the event. If the probability is 1 or 0, that is the event will always occur or not occur respectively, there will be no information there. In casual terms, if there is no surprise, no information should be expected, and if the more surprise it could be (low probability), the more information would be available to the observer. However, there will be the case where the information contained is of negative. This means that there is a loss of information. The formal definition is as follows:

$$ \begin{align} I(s_k) &= 0 \text{ for } p_k = 1 \\ I(s_k) &= \lg (\frac{1}{p_k}) \ge 0 \text{ for } 0 \le p_k \le 1 \\ I(s_k) &> I(s_i) \text{ for } p_k < p_i \\ \end{align} $$


  • \(I\) represents the information of the event
  • \(s\) represents the event
  • \(p\) represents the probability of the event

If the information is transmitted in a Discrete Memoryless Source (DMS)#, the total amount of information for a source could be calculated from summing up all the information from the symbols.

In the realm of Information Theory, it is common to see the discussions are steer towards on calculating blocks instead of individual symbols, where each block consisting of \(n\) successive source symbols. These are being produced by an extended source alphabet \(S^n\) that has \(K^n\) distinct blocks (total permutation) where \(K\) is the number of symbols produced by \(S\). There will be different ways of how the symbols could be layout, and we’ll need to find out all the probability for each of the combination.

Before that, we need to group all of them together if they have the same value pattern (having the same symbols produced albeit in different arrangement). Then, we calculate the corresponding probability for the group. After that, we could get its Entropy# \(H(S^n)\) by getting the summation of the product of probability for the block group and its occurrence.

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