Ansible Content Navigator

ansible-navigator is a #202204292323 command line interface (CLI) tool to view or monitor various #202204272021 information. It can run 202204272036# and 202204300942#. It is an enhanced version of ansible-playbook which unlike the latter, can run EE.

If running without any command or options, ansible-navigator will open up a terminal user interface (TUI) to monitor various information on all hosts.

Executing the command run {playbook} will run the 202204272036# on the managed nodes. With --check option, Ansible navigator will dry run the specified playbook which means that the configuration will not impose on the managed nodes.

We can run inventory command to show the 202204272043# information from all hosts. To list the information from only a specified host or group, pass it in as an argument to the command as in inventory {host/group}. For more verbosity, use the option --list. If verbosity is not desired, use the option --graph instead.

The global configuration stores in $HOME/.ansible-navigator.yml. We can access the logs in $HOME/.ansible-navigator/logs/.

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