Kubernetes Deployment

Deployment is a component from #202201291535 that define a blueprint and build up abstraction for stateless #202201311630 replication. For stateful pod see 202201311654.


All replicas will have a random hashes and can be access randomly. Their name format is like app-hashes.


See 202202181227#

Links to this page
  • Kubernetes StatefulSet

    StatefulSet is a component from #202201291535 that define a blueprint and build up abstraction for stateful #202201311630 replication. It is usually used for database construction. For stateless pod see 202201311650.

    Unlike in 202201311650, replicas in StatefulSet will have a static pod identity which is ordered numerically and will not change even after re-scheduling. Their ID are usually displayed as app-id and their domain name name will be displayed as app-id.service.

  • Kubernetes Pod

    You should not be able to interact with Pod directly. Instead, interact with 202201311650#.

  • Kubernetes
  • Kubectl

    It is possible to do a continuous update on #202201311650 by the command rolling-update. We extend it with options like:
