Outline Font

Outline #202205051728 is scalable, meaning that it fits to the resolution accordingly. This could result in a worse quality when compare to 202205051731 where the pixels are fixed. In order to figure out what scale should be used for a particular resolution, Outline Font requires more CPU time to compute the optimal scale to display the font. For modern CPU, it does not seem to be a problem.

There are primarily two standards for Outline Fonts: Adobe Postscript Type 1 (with extension of .pfa and .pfb) and TrueType (with extension of .ttf) developed by Apple and Microsoft.

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  • XFree86

    XFree86 stores the 202205051943# in the directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts Additionally, before version 4.x, it does not support TrueType#.

  • X Core Font

    For 202205051735#, two commands could be used to generate usable font in X11. mkfontscale will create a font.scale file for outline fonts. mkfontdir will combine the generated font.scale to font.dir where X11 can detect them.

    There are several shortcomings of using X Core Font. One of them is that it is not easy to integrate the screen display and printed output. Second, since it is a server based implementation, local applications aren’t able to access the fonts directly. There is limited support for kerning (adjustment of spaces between characters) and other advance typographic features in using X Core Font, plus it doesn’t support font smoothing (convert 202205051735# to 202205051731#).

  • Font