IPv6 Address

IPv6 Address is a 128-bit #IP Address intended to replace the existing #IPv4 Address. It is possible to give every user on the Earth multiple global IP addresses without worrying the eventuality of running out of them. This allows true peer-to-peer networking among hosts.

The notation for IPv6 Address is quite simple. There is no Address Classes for it. It is divided into 8 fields of 16 bits in Hex. The first 64-bit is for the network ID, and the rest 64-bit is for the host ID. Network ID is further segmented into prefix chunks. A typical example of it is like this:


The leading zeros can be omitted, just as the following:


If there is a successive field of 0, we can abbreviate it using :::


Note: The shorthand :: can be only used once to prevent ambiguity.

Note: :: can be used at the beginning or the end of the IPv6 address space.

Addresses that start with the prefix fe80::/10 are link-local addresses which is used within a network. fe00/12-prefix addresses are used for multicasting.

IPv6 provides an easy address autoconfiguration that is similar to of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), stateless autoconfiguration which provides easier address management and delegation. The advantage of using it compare to its IPv4 counterpart is that it doesn’t require a specialised application or server when providing addresses to simple network devices such as robotic arms in a factory.

To prevent address duplication, IPv6 has a built-in feature of Duplicate Address Detection (DAD). This is especially useful when dealing with the problem in stateless autoconfiguration or DHCPv6.

Furthermore, IPv6 has *embedded support for IP Security (IPsec)#* (IP Security, a protocol for IP encryption). Host #operating-system can configure their own IPsec tunnel to other IPv6 host on-demand without needing help from the network unlike in IPv4. It enhances security of the connection and autonomy of the host in the network. Such support is also extended to Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6).

The integrity checking of IPv6 is done by checksum and High-Level Data Link Control protocol (HDLC, which operate at Data Link Layer).

Other benefits of using IPv6 over IPv4 including:

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