Transfers SSH Public Key

ssh-copy-id {username}@{ip-address/hostname} could be used to transfer #202205191908 public key to a remote host.

Links to this page
  • Secure Shell (SSH)

    The keys are encrypted using one of the supported cryptographic algorithms such as dsa, rsa, ecdsa, ecdsa-sk, ed25519 or ed25519-sk. Such keys are usually stored in the /etc/ssh as ssh_host_rsa_key and ssh_host_dsa_key alongside with its configuration# files sshd_config and ssh_config. You can 202204272031# to other computers using the command ssh-copy-id.

  • Ansible

    To use Ansible, we need to install it into a node, which will become the management node or control node where we will place our configuration files or 202204272036# in here. Ansible will then run on remote hosts called managed nodes using the playbooks without actually installed into them. By default, it uses 202205191908 as the mean of communication between management node and managed nodes. We could configure it in 202204302318# to use SFTP or SCP instead. The SSH public key needs to be transferred to the managed nodes.
