Socialist Democracy

Democracy means the subordination of the minority to the majority, where in socialists sense, the minority means the oppressing class and the majority means the oppressed class. When the #state has been conquered by the armed working class in a violent revolution, it is necessary to enforce such democracy in order to suppress the capitalists.

The only just democracy, that is the true democracy, is an institution that everyone is able to participate, whether the post should be a delegate to the parliament, a local government official or a judge. This means that all official posts, should be elected under universal suffrage which includes women’s participation#. All government post, including the delegates to the representative institution, must be non-lucrative (having the same wage with average workers), held accountable and be subject to recall at any time. Extra cautions should be made to prevent these government posts become the springboard to more lucrative posts outside the institution.

The delegates in the parliament must be working instead of just debating. Their responsibilities include executing their own laws, proposing laws in the parliament and testing the results of those passed laws.

The socialist state, or more accurately the Commune, must be one and invisible. This means that the state must be centralised and deploys complete local self-governing where democracy are implemented.

All treaties, for it to be about war or trade, should be publicised. There should be no secrecy behind them. The terms should not be concealed away from the people of the nations that signed them, and should be easily accessible to all people around the globe.



Links to this page
  • Trade Union

    I think it is best to follow the practice of 202204211120# within trade union.

  • Phase of Communism

    After the #capitalist state has been overthrown, the community will organise a transitional institution# in order to develop a socialist mode of economy. From that nature, communism will start to develop and establish itself into the newly built society.

  • Organizational Questions of the Russian Social Democracy

    Luxemburg noticed that the differences between the underlying conditions for the German and Russian proletariat: while German workers suffered from Bismark’s antisocialist policies for many years, nevertheless lie on the ground where bourgeois society was flourishing and was highly developed. In contrast, the autocracy efforts to prolong its regime rule in Russia resulted in a weak bourgeois political force. This gave the ongoing effort from the Social Democracy#, pushed by Menshevik, Bolshevik #lenin and Social Revolutionaries, a democrartic-revolutionary character, but at the same time set in the challenge for the Socialist to spread to the class awareness by themselves as there were no intense class antagonism resulted from capitalism.

  • On State

    Within the capitalist state, the antagonism between the capitalist development and capitalist interests grow when capitalist means of production has developed to a certain stage. As the state is increasingly intervened in societal matters, thus bring the increasing fusion of the state and the society, its function as the tool of the ruling class prevent such complete fusion. This could be seen the introduction of the #tariff barriers and militarism. The capitalist state has set up the #preconditions for the working class to take over it are that they have imposed universal literacy, trained disciplined workers from large, complex and highly socialised apparatuses, and advanced the 202205211156# in such that it is easy to operate. Only revolution, or the working class rises up to be the ruling class with the complete destruction of the state apparatus, could then truly come up with a #political system that can represent every member in the society.

  • Dictatorship of The Proletariat

    Therefore, following the path of the experience, many socialist figures argue for the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, as opposed to the status quo (the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie). This means the conquest of the political power by the proletariat and forceable suppression of the resistance from the bourgeoisie. However, this doesn’t mean that the proletariat should establish literal dictatorship, a form of political institution. Instead, Socialist Democracy#, a new form of democracy which adopted to the needs of the proletariat, must be set up.

  • A United Proletariat

    The same is true to the bourgeoisie. Indeed, they could have conflict of interests such as the nationality, competition and political views. They will come together, when the people’s revolution came, to protect their profit, their private ownership of the means of production and the right to oppress the working class. This is why proletariat should be bind together in a single banner, unwaveringly carry out a violent socialist revolution# and build up a 202204211120#.
