The Period of Day in Dutch

Like most languages, #202205102217 can describe day (dag in Dutch) in several periods. Morning is Ochtend or Morgen. Middag describes afternoon. Evening in Dutch is Avond. To say night, nacht.

When greets#, just add Goeden (formal) or Goeie (less formal) prefixes onto the period of day.

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  • Greetings in Dutch

    Regardless of #202205102222, to greet in #202205102217, one can say Hallo if first met, and Doei before leaving. The alternatives for Hallo are Hoi (often) and Hey. Doei alternatives are Doeg, Dag (means day) and Tot ziens.

    To be more formal, say the greetings according to #202205102222 with the prefix Goeden. For example, Goedenavond, meaning good evening. Use Goeie prefix if you want the conversation to be less formal, that is for everyday cases. Goeiemorgen means good morning, which is the same as saying Goedenmorgen.

  • Dutch
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