Islamic Philosophy

The Islamic Philosophy, termed in Arab hikmah or falsafah, which more or less equivalent to the meaning of philosophy in the West, is a tradition of philosophy that takes roots in Quran and Hadith (what the prophet Muhammad said and did) and heavily inspired by ancient Greek philosophers especially Aristotle, Plato and Pythagoras. Various philosophers that adopted this tradition were trying to link the Greek thoughts to Quranic description of the Unity of Divine Principle (that is the world, as most Islamic Philosophers believed) and Reality (al-tawhid), albeit the tensions exists between these two. However, Suhrawardi added that hikmah, unlike its western counterpart, doesn’t just include the mental perspective (like 202205062044) but also emphasises the importance of spiritual practices.

Unlike modern philosophy, Islamic philosophers regard prophecy to be the origin of the philosophy. Corbin and Nasr termed it as prophetic philosophy as the main focuses of the Islamic Philosophy is about the religious law (Shariah), the nature of existence and beyond existence of the very source of existence (Allah and the Divine Principle). In the question of existence, Islamic philosophers are more interested in the act of existence (esto) than the state of existence (esse). Some sees Allah as the Pure Being that stands above the chain of being and discontinuous with it, some consider Allah to be beyond Being and identified His act with Being which is also the principle of the universe. The consensus is: the universe is always in changing, but God himself is necessary. Therefore, the newness (huduth) and eternity (qidam) of the world are the centre of the Islamic philosophical discussion.

It is deeply related to the outward (zahir, the external revelation such as Quran and Shariah) and inward (batin, the inner truth or Haqiqah, meaning the truth and reality, which is believed to be the spiritual hermeneutics or interpretation of Quran.) of the Islamic dimension. The term Haqiqah, is related to Allah, as one of His name is al-Haqq or the Truth. The sole purpose of Islamic Philosophy is to reveal the Truth, the hikmah, the true philosophy, the God himself (al-Hakim, the Wise). It is presumed that Allah has revealed through revelation (Quran) and hikmah, which is reached through ’alq (a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic reality), an instrument of revelation. Therefore, one could say hikmah is the philosophical hermeneutics of Quran.

Islamic Philosophy is integrated into the Shi’ism.

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