Display Manager

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  • X Window System

    For remote access to the X server, it implements 202205182136# which listen to port 177. Usually, #202204081225 distro will provide a 202205182153# for login. You can run programs in GUI even in remote by using the protocol.

  • X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP)

    Since XDMCP doesn’t primarily concern with encryption of its protocol, this could be a security risk. Therefore, instead of using xhost, one can utilise the 202203221227# for XDMCP by using the option -X or -Y (-X is arguably more secure except for Debian) or setting options in 202205191924#. When using this method, it is not necessary to change the setting on the 202205182153#.

    We can choose the so-called 202205182153#, formally XDMCP server, by changing the variable DISPLAYMANAGER defined in the directory /etc/sysconfig or the SysV, Upstart or Systemd script (Debian and Arch). Depending on the Linux distro, this variable could be found and/or defined in the file desktop (Fedora) or displaymanager (openSUSE). The variable can be either the executable file that start up the server (Fedora) or the name of that server (openSUSE). These servers are listed below:

  • X Display Manager (XDM)

    XDM is a #202205182153 available in 202204081225. All configuration files can be found in the directory /etc/X11/xdm. xdm-config is the main configuration file where the variable DisplayManager.requestPort could be set to 0 to disable remote access or 177 which is the port to listen for connection. The file Xaccess is used to restrict the access to the #202205182136 server. The following shows the example:

  • Light Display Manager (LightDM)

    LightDM is a #202205182153 that aimed to be lightweight. The system generated configuration files for it could be found in the directory /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d. The configuration itself can be done with the file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf or in the directory /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d.

  • KDE Display Manager (KDM)

    KDM is usually the default #202205182153 for KDE desktop environment. The configuration directory for it can be arbitrary, but the file itself is named kdmrc.

  • GNOME Display Manager (GDM)

    GDM is the default #202205182153 for GNOME desktop environment. Its main configuration file is /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf (older) or /etc/gdm/custom.conf (newer).
