
Modification is a form of #Security Attack aims at gaining access to the system and altering the information. It undermines the integrity# of the system. Replay Attack# and modification is one of the example of Modification attack.

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  • Security Attack

    Security Attack is an action that attempt to compromise the information security and/or disrupt the normal flow of information, that is from source to destination. There are several methods on attempting it: Interruption#, Interception#, Modification# and Fabrication#. Based on its invasiveness, Security Attack could be divided into two categories: Passive Attack# and Active Attack#.

  • Replay Attack

    Replay Attack is one of the form of #Modification. It works like this: the intruder will capture data unit while being the middle of the man, and then send a modified version of the data to the user which could contain malicious information.

  • Output Feedback (OFB)

    Although the bit errors will not propagate throughout the encryption scheme, it is more vulnerable to message stream Modification compare to Cipher Feedback (CFB). It is considered to be a variation of One-Time Pad#, therefore the same sequence (subkey and initialisation vector) should be thrown away once used. Furthermore, the sender and receiver need to be remained in sync.

  • Integrity

    Integrity is a measure on whether how complete (remained unaltered) the received message itself is, as it would be the same or highly similar as the one that being sent. By further utilising encryption#, Digital Signature# and Data Integrity#, it could be used to counter Replay Attack# and Modification#

  • Active Attack

    Active Attack is a kind of #Security Attack that modifies the data stream or create a false stream to the target and attempts to gain unauthorised access to computer systems. It is rather hard to prevent, but there are some measures available to detect and recover from the destruction. Example of Active Attack including Interruption#, Modification#, and Fabrication#.

#security #networking