
Refactoring is a process of rewriting, reworking and re-architecting of the program’s codebase without changing its observable behaviour. It is often used to prevent or correct code duplication#, preserve the orthogonality# of the software, update the code base on the changes of requirements or better understanding on the underlying technology, or optimise. The ultimate goal of Refactoring is to make the software easy to read, have all logic specified in one and only one place (no duplications#), doesn’t allow changes to alter existing behaviour, and allow only simple conditional logic.

Refactoring speeds up the software development by making the process of understanding a codebase easier. The code should be readable so the next guy who picks up the codebase will not waste much time on comprehending the code before becoming productive. This is with extra benefit where we can spot bugs more easily as we tend to spend more time in debugging#. Make the code speaks its purpose with more clarity. But it might drag the performance due to indirection.

Hunt et al. advised to refactor the codebase sooner than later before the task itself grow more tedious and larger. Regular refactoring should be encouraged as the drastic improvement on the design due to cumulative of small changes on the project (Fowler), and do not be slave to the history. Be ready to replace any code in the project.

A hint to do refactor is when we want to add function (if it is not as easy), fix a bug (because it is hard to spot a bug) and/or doing a code review (especially with pair programming). A simple rule is “Three strikes and you refactor”, meaning if we’ve encountered the duplication or similarities three times we should do a refactor.

However, Refactoring is not a magic cure to all troubles a software engineer will encounter. It is not encouraged by Fowler to refactor an application that is highly coupled to the database schema. It is largely due to the high cost of data migration. Try Persistence Programming instead. Or instead build an intermediate layer between the object model and database model, so changes happen in one model will not affect another.

The user experience should be taken into account before refactoring especially for library developers and/or maintainers on published interface. The changes must be made to be known, and if such changes are scheduled, the users need to know when will that take place. The Pragmatic Programmer

If starting from scratch is an easier approach, don’t refactor. The sign to look at is when the codebase doesn’t work at all and is full of bugs which is impossible to stabilise it. That being said, one could try to refactor the software into smaller components with strong encapsulation, and make a refactor-versus-rebuild decision for one component at a time.

Most importantly, don’t do refactoring when deadline is coming. You’ll not make it in time with refactoring.

Fowler suggested three rules for Refactoring in order to preserve the codebase quality:

  • Don’t add new functionality while refactoring
  • Set up self-checking tests# for the soon-to-be refactored code
  • Only do localised changes which are small as it is less prone to go wrong

Note: Self-checking test should print out “OK” when it passed and a list of failures otherwise.

Note: Don’t add tests unless you miss a case.

As recommended by Fowler, run the tests that exercise the code where refactoring is taking place so that it doesn’t slow down the process.

There are some technologies that work around Refactoring process:

Links to this page
  • Two Hats Analogy

    As software developers, we have two hats. One is for adding function and one is for **Refactoring#**. Frequent change of hats are quite common in software development as we want to refine the software to adhere to the system requirements. Just that we need to be aware what hat we’re currently wearing. Refactoring: Improving The Design of Existing Code

  • The Pragmatic Programmer
    Don’t be a slave to history (all code can be replaced, be ready to refactor#)
  • Software Development Practices
  • Refactoring: Improving The Design of Existing Code

    It is similar to Optimisation, however with a different purpose. Optimisation is to speed up the program but might end up with less comprehensibility of the codes whereas Refactoring wants to make the software easier to understand and extendible.

    Refactoring# is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behaviour of the code yet improves its internal structure. (p. xvi)

  • Refactoring Browser

    Refactoring Browser is a tool which assists in common #202206032059 operations such as variable renaming, combining two classes into a superclass, and moving methods from one class to another etc., with UI. Refactory is one of the examples.

  • Null Object Pattern

    Null Object Pattern is a #Design Pattern where an object explicit neutral behaviour and/or default values. It is usually useful to introduce it by extends (or inherit) from an object that could have a null case. Instead of relying on checking whether the object is null or not, we can create a Null Object and check its behaviour. It simplifies the codebase and apparently a great tool for #Refactoring.

  • MMU Network Structure

    Multimedia University (MMU) services such as Camsys and MMLS is high coupled due to the high dependence on the paid TM services. They are not resilient to changes and hard to refactor.

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