Symmetric Cryptography

Symmetric Cryptography, or Private-Key Cryptography is a #Cryptographic system that uses the same key for encryption and decryption. However, you can already imagine the security risk of sharing the same secret over a network, requiring a secure channel (usually via IPsec#). If the key get compromised#, it means the need to generate a new key and distribute# it again. It also requires a strong encryption #algorithm for the intruder to not be able to guess the secret key easily. That being said, it is quite fast when comparing to Asymmetric Cryptography.

Since both parties are equal, that is both could do encryption and encryption, the receiver could forge# a message and claim it to be sent by the sender.

Its functions could be expressed in #math formulas:

$$ \begin{align} C &= E_K (P) \text{ or } C &= E(K, P) \\ P &= D_K (C) \text{ or } P &= D(K, C) \end{align} $$


  • \(P\) represents the plaintext
  • \(C\) represents the ciphertext
  • \(K\) represents the secret key used
  • \(E\) represents the encryption algorithm, and
  • \(D\) represents the decryption algorithm.

Example of Symmetric Cryptography:

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