Photovoltaic (PV)

PV is a technology that generate #202206291055 by exploiting the photovoltaic effect, which directly convert lights into electricity, using semiconductor materials. It is often employed as a system (PV system) which consists of several solar panels which converts lights into direct current (DC), a solar inverter that covert DC into alternating current (AC) to make it fit into the power grid, photovoltaic mounting systems, solar cables etc. It may include the use of a solar tracking system which orients the payload toward the sun and an integrated battery.

Since it comes in variety of size, PV can be cheap to employed compare to 202206291103. Even if such system is installed in large scale, it would be much cheaper due to the ever decreasing price of PV because of the high demand. Utility-Scale Solar Energy Planning for Egypt In high solar radiation region, though, PV might not have an edge to the CSP. Furthermore, it is susceptible to the temperature as the rise of the Celsius will decrease the open circuit voltage VOC, which affect the efficiency of the PV.

Additionally, it doesn’t have a sufficient mean to store generated renewable energy other than using batteries which are coming from lead-acid, nickel-cadmium or lithium-ion.

It is the most widely adopted solar power generation method around the globe.

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