Parity-Check Matrix

Parity-Check Matrix is used to check the parity of a #linear code.

$$ \begin{align} H &= [I_{n-k} \vdots P^T]\\ HG^T &= [I_{n-k} \vdots P^T] \left[ \begin{array}{c} P^T \\ \cdots \\ I_k \end{array} \right]\\ &= P^T + P^T (\mod 2)\\ &= 0\\ HG^T &= GH^T \end{align} $$


  • \(H\) is the \(n-k\) by \(n\) Parity-Check Matrix
  • \(I_{n-k}\) is the \(n-k\) by \(n-k\) Identity Matrix#
  • \(T\) denotes the transpose version of the matrix
  • \(H^T\) is the Syndrome#
  • \(G\) is Generator Matrix

In the Cyclic Code world, Parity-Check Matrix could be constructed using the following formula from #Parity-Check Polynomial:

$$ H = D^k h(D^{-1}), D^{k+1} h(D^{-1}), \ldots, D^{n-1} h(D^{-1}) $$

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