Code Generator

Code Generator is an automation tool that could generate codes (programming languages, markup language or SQL) based on a schema which can be in another language or just plain text#. divides code generators into two types according to their role in the source repository: passive and active.

Note: Even though there are many powerful third-party code generators that can even produce the whole project skeleton, if one doesn’t understand the produced code, it is advised by Hunt et al. to not use it.

Passive Code Generator

A passive code generator needed only to run once. It is basically parameterised templates which generates a given output from a set of inputs. The output of it will become the source file (could be templates, source code, copyright notices, standard comment block etc.) in the project, which can be edited, compiled, and placed under 202208131616#, fully independent of the code generator.

Other than being used to create a new source file, it can be used to perform a one-off conversion among languages such as programming languages and markup languages. Furthermore, it can produce lookup tables and other resources, such as the output of trigonometric functions, compare to the expensive alternative to produce them in runtime.

Active Code Generator

An active code generator is often used as a bridge between two disparate or different environments in avoidance of violating the #202206171004. It typically uses schema, often in a relatively simple configuration language# or just plain text#, as an input, to produce the defined form into two different languages (SQL and #cpp, for example). If there is a change in the schema, the result will reflect the change made, and produce the respective output.

Note: Due to the nature of active code generator, it is advised to run it every time during the build process. Integrate it into the build system.

Links to this page
  • The Pragmatic Programmer

    202207132124# could be written in the above mentioned languages.

  • Documentation Guide

    Note: It is best to use 202207132124# such as Doxygen (C++ and others) and Javadoc (Java) to generate the documentation automatically.

  • DRY Principle

    There is a solution for it: 202207132124#, or simple filter. They often use database scheme or some sort of metadata (preferably in []( to generate the share structure into different forms (programming languages). In this way, in the above example, the programmers don’t need to maintain the Message data structure in two different programming language. Instead, they could just look at the database schema or the metadata and do their necessary maintenance there.

#automation #cpp