A United Proletariat

Proletariat, even though are having different identities, should be united to resist the oppression from the bourgeoisie. Whether they are Malaysian or Thais, men or women#, religious or non-religious, there is no difference between them in terms of social interests, that is to have liveable conditions, have says in production and truly represented in state affairs. They are oppressed by the same overlord, the bourgeoisie.

The same is true to the bourgeoisie. Indeed, they could have conflict of interests such as the nationality, competition and political views. They will come together, when the people’s revolution came, to protect their profit, their private ownership of the means of production and the right to oppress the working class. This is why proletariat should be bind together in a single banner, unwaveringly carry out a violent socialist revolution# and build up a 202204211120#.



Links to this page
  • Trade Union

    Trade Union is an organisation# that fight for workers’ rights under capitalism. Their sole purpose is to educate the working class about the course of capitalist oppression and impose a limit of exploitation that capitalists could be put on #proletariat. However, it does not eliminate the wage labour or wage slavery, which is the essential form of capitalist exploitation.

  • The Eminent Collapse of Capitalism

    Capitalism will inevitable faces its own downfall even if it has developed #its highest form. Its own expansion# or development will bring three effects: the growing anarchy of capitalism (creates further antagonism within the system), the socialisation of process of production (which lay down the foundation for a socialist state) and the increasing organisation and class consciousness of proletariat#.

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