
openSUSE is a #202204081225 distro that is mainly developed by SUSE which at the same time develop SUSE Linux.

To avoid problem upon connection to 202205182136 client, set the variable DISPLAYMANAGER_XSERVER_TCP_PORT_6000_OPEN to yes in the file /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager.

Links to this page
  • X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP)

    We can choose the so-called 202205182153#, formally XDMCP server, by changing the variable DISPLAYMANAGER defined in the directory /etc/sysconfig or the SysV, Upstart or Systemd script (Debian and Arch). Depending on the Linux distro, this variable could be found and/or defined in the file desktop (Fedora) or displaymanager (openSUSE). The variable can be either the executable file that start up the server (Fedora) or the name of that server (openSUSE). These servers are listed below:

  • Linux
#linux #operating-system #floss