
Lenin stated that Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism# has several features:

  • The concentration of the production and capital (formation of capitalist union) that developed to such a high stage that it has created monopolies that dominate the economic life.
  • The merging of bank capital and industrial capital, and the creation, on the basis of this “financial capital”, of financial oligarchy.
  • The export of capital as distinguished from the export of commodities acquires exceptional importance.
  • The formation of international monopolist capitalist associations which share the world among themselves.
  • The territorial divisions of the whole world among the biggest capitalist powers has been completed.

Small capitalist 202203011147# such as Greece, Bulgaria, and Romanian could be imperialist as we can see the development of the German Reich (1874 - 1945) and the Empire of Japan (1868 - 1947) where they appeared initially as semi-agrarian powers but soon grew into powerful imperialist states.

As the adjacent states grow stronger and larger, the state# itself get stronger. @VladimirLenin1918 This empowers the capability of the state to exercise imperialism upon other nations, and protect its interest against other imperialist states. It will also use tariff barriers as a mean of economic warfare against its rivals.

Imperialism often accompany by 202202251419.

Links to this page
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    The system creates an illusion of possible success of becoming millionaires. The Wall Street Journal introduced these “paper” billionaires, whose worth is measured in stock instead of profits. A high-valued Internet enterprises on the stock market doesn’t mean they have the equitable profitability. The people who are considered success, often just sell their stocks and turn them into real estates or money. Corporates are willing to change the rule in any field but the financial one, as they hugely benefited or wanted to be benefited from the system. And the further those companies sell their stocks to the markets, the more centralise# the financial capital is. Once the money was bet in the stock market, it tends to sit there indefinitely.

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  • Salafism

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  • Racism

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  • On State

    The capitalists use the state in order to exploit the workers and maximise their profits. They refine it in a way that workers could not comprehend and participate, so they could rule in obscurity rather in transparency where they could choose freely on the so-called representatives among them. Furthermore, as long as the rule of capital, that is the justification of the private ownership on means of production, still imposed on the working class, the capitalists can still oppress the working class by making them poor without passing any legislation. Any reform on such state is the same as any passed laws in order to oppress the working class or #strengthen itself, which is merely an extension of itself to serve only the capitalists’ interests. Even if those reforms are #benefiting the working class, it is just a coincidence that capitalist interests are aligned with society interests.

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  • Copyright

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