Proletarian Feminism

Commodification of women is common among capitalist countries where women being sold and/or used as an item rather than being treated as a genuine human being. Women are much more than a reproducing machine.

Such privatisation on woman is not unique in capitalist society. We could see the development of commodification of women across all the society, especially class society, albeit appear in a different form such as patriarchy. It could be further observed from Orcinus Orca’s societal structure. Although they have built up a society that is based on matriarchy, female Orca still suffer from systemic violence such as rape. Thus, it is necessary to eliminate the class society as a whole to truly liberate women from the oppressions.

In country such as Malaysia, women are treated in variety ways due to cultural differences. Nevertheless, they are all treat women as an object rather than as a human. They all treat women as a reproducing machine that should have unquestionable loyalty to her partner.

There are some arguments that women are biological different from men thus justifying the gender roles. Such logic confuses sex with gender, which define female and male, but not the social construct man and woman. Intersex people (have different chromosome pattern or have both sex genitals), for example, can recognise their own gender without much hassle. Therefore, using biological determinism as a point is not only a pseudo-science but also advocate for the suppression of the women active participation of the society.

Links to this page
  • Sport Participation

    Sport is a social activity that involve physical movement and/or endurance. The inclusiveness of sport events is a major issue since the rising of feminism#.

  • Socialist Organisation Disciplines

    Center for Marxist Leninist-Marxist Studies (CMLMS) suggests the following precautions in disciplining a socialist organisation or movement in violating 202203121058# :

    Socialist organisations and movements should always enforce the idea from 202203121058#. It should not tolerate towards the violence against women in any form, and must refute and expose male chauvinism from within.

  • Socialist Democracy

    The only just democracy, that is the true democracy, is an institution that everyone is able to participate, whether the post should be a delegate to the parliament, a local government official or a judge. This means that all official posts, should be elected under universal suffrage which includes women’s participation#. All government post, including the delegates to the representative institution, must be non-lucrative (having the same wage with average workers), held accountable and be subject to recall at any time. Extra cautions should be made to prevent these government posts become the springboard to more lucrative posts outside the institution.

  • A United Proletariat

    Proletariat, even though are having different identities, should be united to resist the oppression from the bourgeoisie. Whether they are Malaysian or Thais, men or women#, religious or non-religious, there is no difference between them in terms of social interests, that is to have liveable conditions, have says in production and truly represented in state affairs. They are oppressed by the same overlord, the bourgeoisie.

#gender #socialism #philosophy #orca