Dictatorship of The Proletariat

Dictatorship, in the context of socialist political thought, is the #conquest of political power and forceable suppression of the resistance from the exploiters. First Congress of the Communist International This is prevalent throughout the history in order for the exploited to retain the revolution, as could be seen in the English Revolution (the establishment of the Commonwealth of England) and the French Revolution.

Therefore, following the path of the experience, many socialist figures argue for the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, as opposed to the status quo (the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie). This means the conquest of the political power by the proletariat and forceable suppression of the resistance from the bourgeoisie. However, this doesn’t mean that the proletariat should establish literal dictatorship, a form of political institution. Instead, Socialist Democracy#, a new form of democracy which adopted to the needs of the proletariat, must be set up.

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  • On State

    The working class need that state power, that is an organised violence, to suppress the previously oppressing class# that is the capitalists, and lead the masses in building up a socialist economy. As the working class has overthrown the capitalists, the state will be then controlled by the community which lost its purpose of suppressing the armed organisation of the majority. Such state is not in the sense of in previous state, it is now serving and imposing the interests of the community. Engels would like to call it as Commune in French or Gemeinwesen in German.

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